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Why Every Version of You Wins Over Digital Audiences

Digital creators: do you ever feel like as soon as you find a formula for success, it starts to feel repetitive? Sucking the very fun out of creation? Well, there's a way to combat this digital dissonance. Tap into our case study taken from our work with client Gia Ray (@GiaBelleRay), to learn how you can diversify your content authentically, and show up as yourself on social media.

The Problem:

As someone who had already found relative success via numbers on TikTok, the algorithm had stuck Gia (@GiaBelleRay) in a niche. Her page had blown up for posting a certain type of hair content,

& whenever she diverged from this formula, her numbers fell. But she wanted to truly establish herself, & showcase her range of interests (modeling, singing, beauty, fitness journey, life in NYC) with the same levels of success. In order to go pro, Gia needed to develop her personal brand & grow an engaged audience that was here for a long time, not just a good time. This is where the Résonner Team stepped in.

The Strategy:

1. Cross-platform establishment

While Gia initially was focused on her TikTok following, we recommended a cross-platform strategy - emphasizing the importance of a personal brand stretching beyond just one "page." So, we also extended Gia's branding focus to her Instagram, where she ultimately saw the most growth during this process.

2. Diversifying content

As a preliminary branding step, first up was revamping Gia's digital presence. Then, we consulted on social strategy - series ideas, storytelling content, as well as a good rhythm for posting short-form videos & images. All were necessary to build her cohesive digital narrative.

3. Developing a personal brand

Gia's new socials showcased engaging, diverse arrays of content that reflected her multifaceted nature. From a peek into her modeling journey to wash day tips - our aim was to establish Gia as a "renaissance girl." On the back end, we consulted Gia on outreach best practices, PR lists, and more in order to reach her goal of building relationships within the beauty/influencer industry.

The Result:

Gia implemented our social strategy, which included an aggressive posting schedule with purposeful content that reached outside of her niche. Despite an initial dip, consistency reigned supreme &

Gia's audience found her! Her Instagram following leaped from 3,000 when we began to ~80,000 three months later. Her TikTok also saw gradual growth.

Gia also outreached to relevant players utilizing PR best practices learned during our consulting sessions. In turn, she secured more deals, event invites, & maintained connections with major brands. These brands aligned with the variety of Gia's interests - NYC lifestyle, fitness, beauty, & fashion.

Key Takeaways:

Being every version of yourself on the internet is key.

In a world of algorithms & niches, it's easy to get stuck in a cycle of giving your audience what they want to see. This often leaves creators feeling stuck, taking the fun & creativity out of producing content. But as humans who are changing every day, sticking to a formula that works (for now) isn't good for overall growth. Allow yourself and your content to change freely, without fear.

Try not to desire high followings, rather, high impact.

Instead of catering to an audience that demands just one facet of your creativity, find the audience that embraces your many sides. While plateaus and even follower dips are inevitable, consistency will win. Meaningful content that adds to your story & encourages engagement is better than trendy, filler content that clogs social media feeds.

Your back-end work is just as important as public wins.

When it comes to social media, numbers are deceitful - they don't always equate to tangible success. Forming connections & community within your industry is a best practice for maintaining longevity. Take the time to reach out to brands/fellow creators you align with, & make sure your name is remembered once you enter these rooms.

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